FREE 10 Minutes Childrens’ Foot Check/ Screening

Liverpool Podiatry Clinic Paediatric Podiatry Specialists
Kids Feet
If you are concerned about your childs foot then please call Liverpool Podiatry and book in for a FREE 10 minute foot check/ screening appointment. To book call 0296014696 Contact Us
This is a FREE 10 min appointment were a podiatrist will assess if there is a problem that needs further assessment or treatment.
Children don’t normally complain about foot pain and problems so if your child has any of the following symptoms then we can help.
- Flat feet “rolling in” heel pain Plantar Fasciitis – Heel Pain, Heel Spurs
- Walking on toes, bouncy gait
- Tripping over, poor coordination, clumsy
- Pigeon toes, intoeing PIGION TOES | Common Foot Problem
- One foot or leg walking different to the other Biomechanical assessments and video gait analysis
- Growing pains, Night pains and tired legs
- Foot complications from birth Kids Feet
- Family history of foot problems and concerns
- Plantar warts Plantar Warts
- Ingrown toenails Ingrown toenail treatment and surgery
- Blisters or uneven wear patterns on shoes
- Bunions BUNIONS Hallux Abducto Valgus—HAV
- Footwear issues- uneven wear patterns Footwear
For more Information check out our Childrens foot Information Kids Feet